Can Manufacturer in Georgia

A can manufacturer in Georgia failed the official Capture Efficiency Test of a Permanent Total Enclosure (PTE) and was unable to properly balance cure ovens to prevent emitting solvents into operators' work space.

SES by smoke testing and work space concentration testing determined that the PTE had inadequate exhaust volume and competing air flow patterns. Existing two recuperative oxidizers were determined to have inadequate capacity to exhaust PTE and three ovens to properly capture the emissions. A redesign of the system requirements indicated that a larger- volumed regenerative oxidizer would provide adequate exhaust of the PTE and the three ovens with future capacity for a fourth oven. New Lo-NOx burners were recommended and installed in the oxidizer and existing ovens to meet future requirements. Final balancing of the PTE, ovens, and newly installed oxidizer was followed by unofficial and official testing with an overall control efficiency of 99% plus the added bonus of a more fuel efficient system, saving the facility many thousands of dollars per year of operation.