Polystyrene Container Manufacturer in PA

Manufacturer of Polystyrene containers in Pennsylvania controls Pentane emissions through boiler that, in turn, provides steam to various processes. Customer was required to determine capture efficiency of one process and destruction efficiency of the connected boiler. SES contracted to pre-test boiler, write protocol for submitted to state, and conduct official CE and DRE testing.

SES conducted pre-test at boiler to determine destruction efficiency and CO emissions at various operating conditions. Pre-test indicated that boiler at low fire did not meet required 95% destruction efficiency and, simultaneously, CO emissions spiked. With FIA test equipment on line, boiler burner was adjusted to maintain a low fire level where the destruction efficiency remained in excess of the required 95% and the CO emissions remained acceptable. After approval of the protocol by the state, the official test was conducted. Capture efficiency using a temporary Total Enclosure (TTE-EPA Method 204) provided an average result of 97.7%, and the Destruction Efficiency testing averaged at 97.5%. Without the pre-test and corrective actions, the customer would have failed the official DRE test.